Friday, June 4, 2010

How To Get an English-Teaching Job

It’s really easy for any American or native-English speaker to land an English-speaking job in China.  It’s as easy as going to China (any place you want), finding a school and then asking if you can be their English teacher.
It’s really that easy.  Where in China do you want to go?  It may be harder to get a job at a prestigious school, or one well-known for their English teachers.  But if you go to any run-of-the-mill school and show your stuff and American accent,  you should be able to land a job there with no difficulty.
Other than going there and risking it, a more-assured way might be:
  • doing online research.  go to and 
  • asking friends who taught there
  • making contacts
What You Should Know About Salary
  • In big cities (Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Tianjin), you should make about 10,000 RMB a month
  • Middle cities (those of about 5 million)  6,000 – 7,000 RMB a month
  • Smaller cities (about one million)  5,000 RMB
  • Small cities (less than one million)  less than 5,000 RMB a month.
This salary only includes about 20 hours a week of teaching hours.  You can always earn more money by teaching on the side, although your school might not approve of this.  You should check with your school first about where you can teach when you are not teaching with them.

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